efficiency and accuracy

Office Automation

Eliminate tedious, error prone tasks with thoughtful automation. No more time wasted compiling TPS reports. Slate Analytics can automate nearly any Office task. Discover how we make Microsoft Office and Power BI do the impossible.

Millions of office workers use Microsoft Office every day. With such a vast product suite, even Power Users don’t know all the features available. With Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the Microsoft Office suite – notably Excel, Access, and Outlook – can be programmed to tackle complex tasks, faster, more accurately, and more effectively than even the most skilled spreadsheet veteran. Benefits of automation include:

  • Efficiency
    Efficiency gains are easily realized by automation. For most businesses, especially those in a service sector, labor costs are the single highest operating cost. Time spent toggling together monthly Excel or PowerPoint reports is money spent poorly. The most common opportunities for efficiency gains are in the management and transfer of information: importing, exporting, and transforming.
  • Accuracy
    Generating recurring reports is often a collection of many, small, relatively simple tasks. But a single mistake on any one step will result in a flawed outcome. To err is human. If 10 reports are due each month, and each report contains 10 steps, a 99% accuracy rate of individual steps will result in a 90% accuracy rate of the finished monthly reports.
  • Quality Control
    Office automation allows complete interrogation and error checking throughout the process.
  • Enhance Deliverable Value
    Particularly with spreadsheet programming, VBA can increase the final value of the output, be it a static report, or an interactive dashboard, complete with PivotTables and dynamic visualizations. For modeling – especially financial modeling or optimization solving – VBA multiplies the power of Excel. Exhaustive input combinations can be tested, resulting in the perfect solution every time.